Ruby - mapping an array to hashmap
Solution 1:
Note that since Ruby 2.1.0 you can also use Array#to_h, like this:
[1,2,3,4].map{ |x| [x, f(x)] }.to_h
Solution 2:
Ruby 2.6.0 enables passing a block to the to_h
-method. This enables an even shorter syntax for creating a hash from an array:
[1, 2, 3, 4].to_h { |x| [x, f(x)] }
Solution 3:
You could also define the function as the hash's default value:
hash = {|hash, key| hash[key] = f(key) }
Then when you lookup a value, the hash will calculate and store it on the fly.
hash.inspect #=> { 10 => whatever_the_result_is }
Solution 4:
You need each_with_object
def f x
x * 2
t = [1, 2, 3, 4].each_with_object({}) do |x, memo|
memo[x] = f(x)
t # => {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6, 4=>8}
Another one:
t2 = [1, 2, 3, 4].map{|x| [x, f(x)]}
Hash[t2] # => {1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6, 4=>8}