New posts in indicator-sound

Which music players use the SoundMenu?

Volume applet in the tray has gone. How can I get it back?

Sound settings panel empty on 12.04

Remove Banshee's sound menu support

How can I integrate DeadBeef into the sound indicator menu?

Banshee is still in the sound menu after unistalling

Why does the sound icon turn blue sometimes?

How to add mute/unmute for the sound menu in gnome shell?

Xfce Volume adjusting sound applet for 12.04

How to get MIDI output from a Windows application via Wine

GUI to control sound

Sound works but no device shown in the Sound settings

Multimedia keys do not work with Spotify

Volume icon missing after removing (and re-installing) pulseaudio

How to integrate Audacious in the sound menu?

What is the 'Sound Settings' program's name in Ubuntu

How to add Rhythmbox controls to the sound menu?

Remove VLC player from sound menu in Unity bar

Why can the volume go higher than 100%?

the sound-volume indicator disappeard Ubuntu 13.10