Banshee is still in the sound menu after unistalling

Solution 1:

You could try to remove it and blacklist it in Dconf.

  1. Install dconf-tools package
  2. Execute dconf-editor from Terminal or using Alt+F2
  3. In the left menu, select apps>indicators>sound
  4. You should see banshee in interested-media-players. Remove it: set the key to [] (or keep just players you are interested in)
  5. To make things future-proof, you can add Banshee to blacklisted-media-players

The result should look like this: dconf-editor indicators sound

Solution 2:

The values for applications that show up in the sound indicator are found in a dconf entry. To remove them:

  • install dconf-tools
  • open dconf-editor
  • edit the entry "interested-media-players" and remove banshee

enter image description here