Xfce Volume adjusting sound applet for 12.04

Recently I upgraded the Mythbuntu 10.10 to 12.04 which uses Xfce, and realised there is no one click volume adjusting sound applet with a slider, like in 10.10.

Is there something else to do this? Or is Xfce becoming even more minimalist?

Solution 1:

It's possible to use the standard GNOME volume control.

If you add gnome-sound-applet to your application startup list (it's in the Sessions and Startup settings dialogue in standard Xfce) then it will appear in the notifications area along with network-manager, dropbox and other applets.

Solution 2:

  1. Install the xfce-volumed package.

  2. Go to "Add New Item" menu of any panel,

  3. then add "Audio Mixer".

Solution 3:

Also the volume control app may actually be apart of the Indicators plugin. Mine was and when I re-added the app it then brought my sound icon back.