New posts in indefinite-articles

How many articles should go in "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"?

Why is it "an yearly"?

The "-ing" form of a verb and indefinite article [closed]

Is it grammatically correct to say that someone is "the son of Satan"?

What article do we use before a symbol? Is it "an @" or "a @"?

"The (Cobra)" vs. "An (elephant)", articles with nouns denoting a class

Omission of the indefinite article to eliminate ambiguity [duplicate]

A or an XML report? [duplicate]

"There is X" vs "There is a/an X"

"An X of an Y" or "The X of an Y"?

Will "a" or "the" be presumed in this scenario? [closed]

an atom vs the atom [duplicate]

Difference between make 'an' effort and make 'the' effort [closed]

Use of the definite article "the" before "church"

"The Beach" vs "A restaurant"

Can predicative complements not be bare noun phrases in English? That is, are clauses such as “I am student” incorrect?

Which is correct — "a year" or "an year"? [duplicate]

"To have a dinner" vs "to have dinner": which one is correct?

If I can say "not that good a review," does that mean I can say "not that good reviews"?

Are there specific rules to build expressions with or without articles?