New posts in idioms

How do I express 'pen to paper' in relation to a computer?

Is "do one’s diligence and err on the side of caution" an idiom?

Can I say "due call"?

What is this phrase, "I hope we catch up," called when "catch" may be confused with what's done with a baseball?

Describe someone who stays "True to themselves"

Difficult and rare words/expressions that never show up in vocabulary lists

right off the shelf

What does "boogeyman for everybody" mean?

Could the idiom 'belt and suspenders' be used to refer to a woman?

Is “get one’s pants off” a popular idiom or an eyebrows-raising slang?

Push somebody over the edge

Is there a more confrontational idiom for 'laying [or not laying]' your cards on the table'?

"On Tap" in the Sense of "Coming Up"

What is an idiom for saying that someone/something is as bad as someone/something else? [closed]

C++ code for state machine

Origin of "sleep like a baby"

Sentence fragments as modifiers: "self-sacrifice incarnate, the 10th Doctor wavered..."?

At X's expense and of X's timber

Which is correct: "as good as possible" or "as best as possible"?

What is the origin of “I calls ’em like I sees ’em”?