Which is correct: "as good as possible" or "as best as possible"?

Which one is the correct expression:

  1. as good as possible
  2. as best as possible

Both were suggested to be used in the following sentence:

The activity has been performed as good/best as possible.

Spontaneously, I would have immediately said the first, but my friend that studies English is convinced of the second.

Solution 1:

I think it just comes down to whether the context is adjectival...

1: We want the result to be as good as possible. (modifies the noun)

...or adverbial...

2: So we will work together as best as possible. (modifies the verb)

Personally I'd rather use as best we can in #2, but you can follow the link there for many examples.

EDIT: As Peter points out, strictly speaking the "correct" adverbial form in #2 is well, not best.

Solution 2:

Best is the superlative of "good" when it functions adjectivally and the superlative of "well" when used adverbially. Superlatives cannot be modified by words such as "as". Using the superlative form takes a comparison to the highest degree possible. That is to say - it is a singular and discreet level which cannot be graduated. Most superlatives in English are formed by the addition of "est" to the adjective and the nonsense of modifying a superlative with "as" can be seen in the following sentences: He built it as tallest as he could. The grass was as greenest as you could imagine. I write my sentences as smartest as I can. You are either doing something THE BEST you can or you are not. If you are buying a new phone it is either THE BEST or it is not. That's how it is.