New posts in idiom-requests

What is a idiom for a person who can read people and is perceptive? [closed]

Alternatives for "overnight sensation"

Single word request and/or idiom—worse news

Idiom/metaphor for an abrupt end of a dream [closed]

Idioms similar to "put points over i"

Is there a phrase like "preaching to the choir" but with the opposite meaning? [duplicate]

What is a single word or idiom for overcoming a trying situation?

Opposite of 'damned with faint praise'?

Is there a word or phrase for "running away from home to avoid an arranged marriage"

Informal way to say "contrary to popular belief"?

What is the expression for being unwilling to pay a (small) fine rather than spend much more to avoid it? [closed]

What’s a catchy phrase that means get the most out of your dollar? [closed]

Describe someone who underestimates people's problems [closed]

Is there an idiom/phrase that describes unskilled person in a skilled job?

is "Lighting the spark for XYZ" a meaningful phrase in english? [closed]

What's the phrase to imply random jobs?

How do I express the weather being helpful to my plans?

Describe someone who is away a lot [closed]

Outlier of a group

Quote (proverb like structure) of knowing one's options