Opposite of 'damned with faint praise'?

Is there an opposite of 'damned with faint praise'?

Meaning to subtly endorse something by making overly mild criticism.

Solution 1:

Praised with faint damns is the usual way to oppose it. The construction is amenable, anyway.

Solution 2:

In sales, such a tactic is called negative selling, negative reverse selling or reverse selling. You can read about it here and here

"I know it's a really big investment, so you shouldn't feel pressured to pick up these widgets just because everyone else is."

or, if you are trying to convince your kid to eat her vegetables:

"Yeah, I know it tastes bad, it's an adult taste."

Solution 3:

How about: "Elevated with weak censure."

(I came up with it while trying to explain the unintended consequence of a poorly executed political satire. I came here looking for something better.)