New posts in ideals

Length of maximal chain of prime ideals equals transcendence degree of fraction field?

Calculating this class number

Conditions for $\sqrt{\mathfrak{a + b}} = \sqrt{\mathfrak{a}} + \sqrt{\mathfrak{b}}$

Closed points are dense in $\operatorname{Spec} A$

How to show that the ring $S/A$ has no zero divisors? (Hungerford, Algebra, Problem 12, Chapter III, Section 2)

Verifying proof :an Ideal $P$ is prime Ideal if $R/P$ is an integral domain.

Any left ideal of $M_n(\mathbb{F})$ is principal

Can every ideal have a minimal generating set?

If $R=K[X]/(X^n)$, can represent any element as polynomial with degree $<n$

show if $P$ is minimal prime ideal of $R$ then every element of $PR_P$ is nilpotent.

Does the Bezout GCD equation hold in a UFD?

Showing that $\mathbb{Z}[i]/I$ is a finite field whenever $I$ is a prime ideal, and also finding its cardinality?

Show that the trace class operators on a Hilbert space form an ideal

Isomorphism of quotients of powers of maximal ideals

Not primary ideal having a prime radical

Product of Principal Ideals when $R$ is commutative, but not necessarily unital

Ideal in $\mathbb Z[x]$ which is not two-generated

Checking the maximality of a principal ideal in $R[x]$

Can ring homomorphisms be characterized as ring maps such that preimage of any ideal is an ideal?

Why is it that the congruence relations usually correspond to some type of subobject?