New posts in homology-cohomology

When is a map essential in Čech cohomology?

Defining homology groups directly from the topology

Does every Poisson bracket on a commutative algebra come from a second-order deformation?

Homology of orientable surface of genus $g$

(weak) homotopy equivalence

Sheaf cohomology intuition

Simply-connected $\mathbb{Z}_p$-homology spheres?

Do we distinguish two singular simplices if they have different vertex orders?

history and/or motivation for cohomology in class field theory

Picard group and cohomology

Local Degree of a map between n-spheres

Hyper-derived functors and Cartan-Eilenberg resolutions

Prove that $\frac{H_1(\Sigma)}{[\alpha_1], \ldots, [\alpha_g], [\beta_1], \ldots, [\beta_g]} \cong H_1(Y)$

Which cohomology theories have a formula $\langle \Omega,\text d \omega \rangle = \langle \partial \Omega,\omega \rangle$?

On defining homology groups

What is the induced orientation on a product of vector spaces in singular cohomology?

What's the difference between cohomology theories of varieties and topological spaces

Is every polynomial with integral coefficients a Poincaré polynomial of a manifold?

If $G$ is abelian such that $mG=G$ for some $m\in\Bbb{Z}$ then every short exact sequence splits

Why isn't $H^*(\mathbb{R}P^\infty,\mathbb{F}_2)\cong \mathbb{F}_2[[x]]$?