New posts in hilbert-spaces

a representation condition of Hilbert space

$\sin$ and $\cos$ are the basis of what space?

Tensor product of operators

Normal Operators: Transform

Example of a self-adjoint bounded operator on a Hilbert space with empty point spectrum

Spectral Measures: Square Root

Hilbert cube is compact

Is it mathematically problematic to consider the complex space of real(!)-valued functions?

How to prove Halmos’s Inequality

Show that the trace class operators on a Hilbert space form an ideal

Hilbert Space is reflexive

If the image of an orthonormal basis is bounded, is the linear operator also bounded?

Characterisation of norm convergence

Question about SOT and compact operators

Proving an inequality with Cauchy-Schwarz

Functional weakly lower-semicontinuous [duplicate]

Does $S^\bot+T^\bot = (S\cap T)^\bot$ hold in infinite-dimensional spaces?

Nested sequence of sets in Hilbert space [duplicate]

A problem about the Hilbert subspace $K = \{ f \in \text{L}^2(\mathbb{R}) \quad | \quad \text{for every $n \in \mathbb{Z} : \int_{[n,n+1]} f = 0$} \}$

Can Hilbert spaces be defined over fields other than $\mathbb R$ and $\mathbb C$?