New posts in hard-drive

Moving 11.10 complete system to a new bigger Harddisk [duplicate]

Disk inodes full due to PHP sessions [closed]

I accidentally caused one of my encrypted drives to start converting into a decrypted drive. How can I stop it?

Can I increase my hard disk space in virtual box which is running Windows 7 currently?

Compressing a slow drive for performance?

"ENOSPC: no space left on device" when there is free space on fuse NTFS-3G

How do I get root access to hard drive from livecd?

Will my game fit on the available HDD space?

Force unplug SSD without eject and SSD partitions gone

How do I clone a single drive onto a new RAID 1 array?

Clicking or Knocking with Seagate HD

Seagate HDD periodically disables/enables

Swapping Hard Drives And Moving Data

Cannot create new folders - Ubuntu on VirtualBox

Why does unplugging a drive lead to data loss when moving files?

Basic Disk and Dynamic Disk vs. Primary Partition and Extended Partition and Logical Partition

NTFS Partition gets auto-corrupt, becomes RAW and unreadable

Moving HDD with Windows from one motherboard to another

Possible To Rename Hardware Name of Hard Drive?

Big Linux software RAID using USB disks?