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Prove that a $k$-regular bipartite graph has a perfect matching

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Are these 2 graphs isomorphic?

Is Erdős' lemma on intersection graphs a special case of Yoneda's lemma?

Second-largest connected component of mathematicians

Undirected connected claw-free graph with even number of vertices implies existing perfect matching

A disease spreading through a triangular population

Zombie outbreak on a $k$-regular graph

Why should "graph theory be part of the education of every student of mathematics"?

Fastest way to try all passwords

Infinite core graphs

How many directed graphs of size n are there where each vertex is the tail of exactly one edge?

Connecting three houses to three utilities [duplicate]

Blocking directed paths on a DAG with a linear number of vertex defects.

When should I use Kruskal as opposed to Prim (and vice versa)?

Is Category Theory similar to Graph Theory?

What is the terminology for assigning $K_{m_i}$ (complete graph) to the $i$ th vertex, 'joining' if the corresponding vertices are adjacent?

$n$ people sitting on a circular table without repeating neighbour-sets

Is Wolfram wrong about unique 3-colorability, or am I just confused?

Equivalence of statements of Triangle Removal Lemma