New posts in graph-theory

Let $G$ be a graph of minimum degree $k>1$. Show that $G$ has a cycle of length at least $k+1$

Logic question: Ant walking a cube

Find all paths between two graph nodes

Simplex with smallest possible total edge length in set of points

What is that thing that keeps showing in papers on different fields?

Every $k$ vertices in an $k$ - connected graph are contained in a cycle.

Graph Algorithm To Find All Connections Between Two Arbitrary Vertices

Find two graphs with the same score, but one is a tree and the other is not a tree

What are Valid Goldberg Polyhedra Frequencies?

Is it, that every edge in the dual counts twice?

How do I explain the Königsberg Bridge problem to a child?

Painting the plane, and finding points one unit apart

Prove that at a party of $25$ people there is one person knows at least twelve people.

Is it possible to draw this picture without lifting the pen?

prove that a connected graph with $n$ vertices has at least $n-1$ edges

Enumerating cycles in a graph using Tarjan's algorithm

Belt Balancer problem (Factorio)

Chromatic Triangles on a $K_{17}$ graph

Show that there's a unique minimum spanning tree if all edges have different costs

Number of distinct connected digraphs with 4 vertices and 6 edges