Looking for Page Rank resources related too

I am a Master student, and my research is in Page Rank related. I do like to have some recommendations for Page Rank resources. I have looked online, either on Google or Youtube but could not find anything regarding this topic. I do have found some Page Rank research articles but still not enough. Thank you.

Solution 1:

first of all, you can refer to some of the articles in Research Gate, Scopus, Google Scholar and others. In these platforms, there are many kinds of Page Rank research that has been done and you only need to seek on which one is most suitable one for your research.

Second, you can also find the resources in the library. In library, you can find any knowledge that you want , and for sure, you will find what you find.

Third, you can seek for the expert who is specialize in this topic like nearby researchers or lecturers. Thank you.