New posts in graph-theory

Is this similarity between trees and vector space bases just a coincidence?

A question about the minesweeper game

Number of edge disjoint Hamiltonian cycles in a complete graph with even number of vertices.

Suppose that $G$ is a subgraph of $H$. What is true about their independence numbers?

Is it true that a connected graph has a spanning tree, if the graph has uncountably many vertices?

In graph theory, what is the difference between a "trail" and a "path"?

Is it really impossible to lose the Hydra game?

Traveling salesman problem: why visit each city only once?

Proof Involving a Problem from "Good Will Hunting"

Can an induced subgraph be two vertices with no edges in between?

An algorithm for arbitrage in currency exchange

Find the shortest path in a graph which visits certain nodes

Maximal and Maximum Cliques

How many 2-edge-colourings of $K_n$ are there?

Free Graph Theory Resources

Graph Isomorphism for non-mathematician

Length of shortest walk always equal to length of shortest path in an undirected graph?

Proof that any simple connected graph has at least 2 non-cut vertices.

What are some measures of connectedness in graphs?

Why do graph degree sequences always have at least one number repeated? [duplicate]