New posts in grammaticality

Can "did" be used in affirmative sentences? [duplicate]

Parallelism with "in order to"

Use of 'anymore' [duplicate]

when should I add "it" after believe or understand?

What's the plural of "Full English"?

Use of aux. "be" with "got" for passive?

I have a bodyguard in order to protect myself

Confused by the syntax or grammaticality used in this quote by Karl Marx. Please help?

"Oh for cute" - grammatical interpretation?

"Line of research" or "research line"? [closed]

'Us students' - Does this apposition need a comma?

People usually use "typical" in place of using "difficult". Does "typical" also mean "difficult"? [closed]

Generic stealthy attacks

Which is the correct way of writing trying to write Serial Number with a pound sign instead of the word? "Serial#" or "Serial #"

Example that needs explanation

Something happens because clause A, and clause B.

Repeating the noun when we referring to it multiple times using different adjectives

"How can X be" vs. "how does X can be"

"Champing on the bit"

Is this sentence correct "Any and all persons can do this."?