New posts in gnome-terminal

Is there a way to left-click links in gnome-terminal or am I out of luck?

I can't set background image on Gnome Terminal 3.14

apt-get aborts after I type Y to continue [closed]

Open terminal with multiple tabs and execute application which uniquely modifies PS1 variable for each tab

Problem in background transparency on Terminal

Why does Virtual Box uninstall gnome-terminal?

Terminal emulator left-click to open link

How to change which sound is reproduced for terminal bell?

GNOME Terminal always opens maximised [duplicate]

gnome-terminal does not allow changing the title

Change shortcut to switch tab in gnome-terminal

Control-R stopped working, I have to press Control-Shift-R instead

Opening multiple terminal tabs and running command

How to use Fixedsys in the Gnome Terminal, or wherever monospaced fonts are required

Make .destop for ZSH such that it launches zsh and remains without transfering to .desktop of gnome-terminal?

Why Gnome Terminal doesn't display a specific font as available

How do I change the browser that gnome terminal opens links with?

How to enter copy mode on mouse scroll in tmux?

How do I open gnome-terminal in a maximized window by default?

How to open a new Terminal with shell prompt and running multiple commands in Command Line?