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rails error on macos mojave 10.14.5: config/load_config.rb:5:in `require': cannot load such file -- configurate (LoadError)

Tracking memory process wise on Ubuntu

Ubuntu in Virtualbox - WEBrick web server very slow when using local IP address

Ruby 1.9.3's infamous OS X OpenSSL segfault in http.rb:799

Is it possible to bypass a proxy when the proxy settings are set to Auto Proxy Config?

How to get /usr/bin/env ruby to point to the correct ruby environment?

Installing only ruby 1.9 [duplicate]

Can't install Rails on Ubuntu 16.04

Why can't nginx access puma socket on CentOS 7?

running a tar command eats all resources

Opening multiple terminal tabs and running command

Update ImageMagick Ubuntu

Uninstalled zsh, terminal gone weird

What is the simplest way to download a gem without installing rubygems?

How to set default to ruby 2.1.2?

Can't access rails server on VM from host

Why is it so difficult to setup Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu?

How can I get gedit ready for programming in Ruby and Ruby on Rails?

rails & libpq-dev nasty dependencies

Configuring OS X 10.7 Lion Server to serve Rails Apps via Apache