New posts in centos-7

Explanation of the contents inside folder /etc/yum.repos.d

Command running as root but not with sudo

SSH through a proxy?

Updating the screen resolution in centos7 in Hyper-V

How to run Blender on Linux from command line without admin permissions from command line?

CentOS 7 minimal doesn’t get an IP address from DHCP on startup

Why does VLC depend on Visual Studio Code?

Install bluetooth, bluez-utils, blueman and libbluetooth-dev On CentOS +7

getent passwd doesn't work; CentOS 7 and SSSD LDAP authentication

Why can't nginx access puma socket on CentOS 7?

how to create rescue initramfs image on centos 7?

CentOS 7.2: Yum repo configuration fails

Should I be concerned about hacking attempts via wget on a CentOS/LAMP-based web server?

How to enable network adapter in centOS7 minimal?

How can i set new user home root path without permission of getting path 'backwards' on Centos 7

Install Oracle Java 8 from RPM package

How can I correctly install visual studio code on CentOS 7?

Clicking on “install CentOS” on VirtualBox causes black screen to appear?

selinux preventing PHP/Roundcube from connecting to local SMTP or IMAP ports

CentOS 7 cannot allocate memory during a “yum install” operation