New posts in geometry

equilateral triangle; $3(a^4 + b^4 + c^4 + d^4) = (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2)^2.$

Prove that $3 \le a+b+c \le 2\sqrt{3}$ in a triangle

Calculating an Angle from $2$ points in space

How to constrain movement within the area of a circle

Analytically compute signed distance of ellipsoid

Volume of an Irregular Octahedron from edge lengths?

What is the equation of an ellipse that is not aligned with the axis?

Extending the primes

Proof of the Pizza Theorem

Why are there two versions of a polar equation for a circle from geometric form

Condition of existence of a triangle

Prove that a triangle with a given base and angle must be isosceles to have maximum perimeter

Convex sided polygon with exterior angles in AP [duplicate]

Convex n-sided polygons whose exterior angles expressed in degrees are in arithmetic progression

A geometric inequality, proving $8r+2R\le AM_1+BM_2+CM_3\le 6R$

simple geometry question- equation of cylinder

Area of a circle inscribed in a polygon

Algorithm to generate an uniform distribution of points in the volume of an hypersphere/on the surface of an hypersphere.

Geometric interpretation of a quintic's roots as a pentagon?

Axiomatization of angle measuring in real vector spaces