New posts in functions

Why is $y = \sqrt{x-4}$ a function? and $y = \sqrt{4 - x^2}$ should be a circle

How to make the argument as optional in bash?

How to proof the following function is always constant which satisfies $f\left( x \right) + a\int_{x - 1}^x {f\left( t \right)\,dt} $?

An injection between finite sets of equal size must be a bijection

Finding limit without using limit

Determine whether or not the function f it is bijective 2f(3-2x)+f(3/2-x/2)=x, where x is a real number

Find all functions $f:\mathbb N\to \mathbb N$ such that $\frac{4f(x)f(y-3)}{f(x)f(y-2)+f(y)f(x-2)}$ is an integer for all $x>2$ and $y>3$.

Nonpiecewise Function Defined at a Point but Not Continuous There

Maximum of the Variance Function for Given Set of Bounded Numbers

Definite integral of an odd function is 0 (symmetric interval)

Function in $H^1$, but not continuous

Is it possible for a word in a sentence to have two grammatical functions at once?

Clarifying the definitions of image and pre-image

How $x^4$ is strictly convex function?

Find all function satisfying $f(f(n))+f(n)=2n+3k$

How to prove this limit composition theorem?

When are algebraic expressions equivalent?

If $f(x)f(y)=f(\sqrt{x^2+y^2})$ how to find $f(x)$

An endpoint of a closed interval where the derivative is zero is considered a critical point?

What does a mini circle between f and h(x) mean?