New posts in functions

Function that is defined for all reals and is continuous but not uniformly continuous

Increasing function $ f : \mathbb R ^ + \to \mathbb R $ with $ x f ( x ) + 2 > 0 $ and $ f ( x ) f \left( f ( x ) + \frac 4 x \right) = 1 $

If $f(x)\leq f(f(x))$ for all $x$, is $x\leq f(x)$?

Is there a "largest function"?

Function defined everywhere but continuous nowhere

Finding general harmonic polynomial of form $ax^3+bx^2y+cxy^2+dy^3$.

Proof that $|\sin(nx)| \le n|\sin(x)|$ [duplicate]

Show that $\bigcup_i f(A_i) = f(\bigcup_i A_i)$

A matter of choice of stating the domain of the function in analysis/topology textbooks - narrower or broader at first?

Prove that $\frac{d\ f(c)-c\ f(d)}{f(d)-f(c)}=\frac{f(\xi)}{f'(\xi)}-\xi$ for some $\xi\in(c,d)$

I got stuck on a system of three equations

Injective functions also surjective?

Functions for which $\int f(g(x))\, \mathrm dx = f\left(\int g(x) \, dx\right)$

How do I construct a function $\operatorname{sog}$ such that $\operatorname{sog}\circ\operatorname{sog} = \log$?

Is $\lim\limits_{k \to \infty}\left[ \lim\limits_{p \to \infty} \frac{M}{1+3+5+\cdots+ [2^{p(k-1)}-2^{p(k-2)}-2^{p(k-3)}-\cdots-1]}\right]=1$?

Differential Equation of orbit of a planet

Maximising Property

Study the injectivity and surjectivity of the function f

Differential Equation : One question, two methods, both result in different answers

One sided limit of an increasing function defined on an open interval