New posts in functions

Functional Equation $f(x+y)-f(x-y)=2f'(x)f'(y)$

Hard functional equation: $ f \big ( x y + f ( x ) \big) = f \big( f ( x ) f ( y ) \big) + x $

Shoud a function be defined for all elements in the domain in order to be surjective/bijective?

Difference between polynomial functions and polynomials and why these two polynomial functions are equal?

What does it mean to have a lone plus sign in the exponent/superscript (Modified Weiszfeld algorithm)

Example of a rational function such that : $(f(x))^{3} + (g(x))^{3} + (h(x))^{3}=x$

How do you solve the equation to where the function $f(x)=1+\sqrt{x}$ and it's inverse $g(x)=(x-1)^2$ intersect?

Differentiation of a function $f:\mathbb{Q}\to \mathbb{Q}$(Rational Calculus)

How would I create a exponential ramp function from 0,0 to 1,1 with a single value to explain curvature?

What function could describe this GIF animation?

True or False : If $f(x)$ and $f^{-1}(x)$ intersect at an even number of points , all points lie on $y=x$

Find the value of the given limit: [duplicate]

Finite groups of functions under function composition

Can logarithmic differentiation give the wrong answer when applied to functions that evaluate to negative numbers?

Polynomial maximization: If $x^4+ax^3+3x^2+bx+1 \ge 0$, find the maximum value of $a^2+b^2$

If $f(3x)=f(x)$ and $f$ is continuous, show that $f(x)$ is a constant function.

Find all functions f such that $f(f(x))=f(x)+x$

How to get nth derivative of $e^{x^2/2}$

Functions satisfying $(b-a)f'(\tfrac{a+b}{2}) = f(b)- f(a)$

If $f:X \to X$ is a continuous bijection and every point has finite orbit, is $f^{-1}$ continuous?