New posts in functions

$f(x)=x^{3}+1$ - Injective and Surjective?

A short way to say f(f(f(f(x)))) [duplicate]

Does there exist a function $g\in \mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$ s.t. $\{f\mid f\circ f=g\}$ is not empty and finite?

Isomorphic embedding of $L^{p}(\Omega)$ into $L^{p}(\Omega \times \Omega)$?

How do we find the inverse of a vector function with $2$ variables?

Proof if $g$ is surjective, then $g\circ f=I_X$.

Finding $f(B)$, $f^{-1}(C)$ and $f(D)$ when $f: \mathcal P(\mathbb Z)\to \mathcal P(\mathbb Z)$, $f(X)=X'$

Show that $x^4-8x^2+(1-m)x+1-c=(x-a)^2(x-b)^2$

Uniform convergence of a n-th root on $\mathbb{R}^+$

How to find if this function is always zero?

show this function $f(m,n)=f(n,m)$.

Subspaces and annihilators

Upper bound for $\sqrt[n]{n!}$

Proving existence and uniqueness of a function $f':\mathbb{N}\rightarrow A$

What was the notation for functions before Euler?

Meaning of functions that vanish at a point

Suppose $X$ is a finite set and $f : X \to X$ is a function. Then $f$ is injective if and only if $f$ is surjective.

Proving that $f$ is a bijection from $N$x$N$ to $N$.

Category theory without codomains?

Domain, Codomain, Range, Image and Preimage