New posts in functions

Function of a line in this Reading Comprehension

Intuition behind convex functions

Lim Sup/Inf for real valued functions

Existence of smooth extension of a function defined on a closed interval

Separable and non-separable function

Measurable Maps and Continuous Functions

$f\left(\frac{2z}{1+z^2}\right)=\left(1+z^2\right)f(z)$, solve $f$.

Why are fractal curves nowhere differentiable?

Determining the maximum value for the solution of this delay differential equation?

When is it allowed to do operations like 'differentiating both sides', 'integrating both sides'?

Finding the smallest $\alpha>0$ for which $\exists\beta(\alpha)>0$ so that $\sqrt{1+x}+\sqrt{1-x}\le 2-\frac{x^\alpha}\beta,\forall x\in[0,1]$.

Show that there exist a set $R$ and functions $β : S → R$ and $γ : R → T$ such that $β$ is onto, $γ$ is one-to-one and $α = γβ.$

A function satisfying $f \left ( \frac 1 {f(x)} \right ) = x$ [duplicate]

Prove that sets $A=(-1,5]$ and $B=(3,11)$ have the same cardinality

Subexponential growing functions

Not every function on $[0,1]$ is a pointwise limit of continuous functions on $[0,1]$

Extending functions from integers to reals in a "nice" way.

$f'(c) \ge 0 , \forall c \in (a,b)$ then $f$ is increasing in $[a,b]$ , proof of this without Mean Value theorem

Integers less than $7000$ achievable by starting with $x=0$ and applying $x\to\lceil x^2/2\rceil$, $x\to\lfloor x/3\rfloor$, $x\to9x+2$

Determine the value of ${k}$ for quadratic roots