New posts in free-groups

Direct product of free groups

Center of a quotient of a free group

Free groups in some classes?

Commutator subgroup of a free group

Is the free group on two generators generated by two elements as a monoid?

Slicker construction of the free product of groups

Why is "A free group on more than one generator is not abelian." true?

Quotient of two free abelian groups of the same rank is finite?

Subgroup of the free group on 3 generators

Asymptotic length of reduced word on free group with replacements

Total ordering on the free group

Abelianization of free product is the direct sum of abelianizations [duplicate]

Free group as a free product

Words in the Category of Sets

Is the free group on an empty set defined?

Torus is the only closed orientable surface regularly covered by punctured plane

Proving that the free group on two generators is the coproduct $\mathbb{Z}*\mathbb{Z}$ in $\textbf{Grp}$

Power of commutator formula

Does this group presentation define a nontrivial group?

The free group $F_2$ contains $F_k$