New posts in find

Copying all files inside subdirectories and renaming instead of overwriting

Linux command to find all *.rb files

Bash: Find folders with less than x files

find all directories having less than x files inside

How to delete folders that have n or fewer files in them?

How to list all files in a Windows SMB network share

Word Find and replace paragraph marks when there are tables

How to find a file whose size is less than 10 MB?

How do I pass combined commands to 'find -exec'?

How can I find all UTF-16 encoded text files in a directory tree with a Unix command?

How to print out all non-hidden files recursively in a dir using lpr

find files within a specific directory structure but a variable parent directory structure

Is -print a useless option for find now?

Multiple Search Formula in Excel [duplicate]

General method to find submatrix in matlab matrix

find command is picking files of unrelated pattern

How can I recursively delete old files and prune resulting empty directories?

grep says 'invalid character range'

scan a directory to find files in c

find -printf on Mac (-printf unknown option)