New posts in find

find files and print info

is there an 'upwards' find?

Find command not deleting anything when -delete is used

Scala check if element is present in a list

find command cannot find my files which do exist

How to search for a file when 'find' is not an option

Find files based on permission

Save the result of find as a variable in a shell script [duplicate]

What's the missing argument to -exec?

Linux & SVN: How to remove all versioned files but KEEP directory structure, ignore .svn dirs?

tar - exclude certain files

Mongoose.js: Find user by username LIKE value

Delete empty subfolders, keep parent folder

Include only certain file types when searching in Visual Studio

Supresss the 'no such file or directory' message from 'find'

How can I count files with a particular extension, and the directories they are in?

Why does find -exec mv {} ./target/ + not work?

Is globbing a feature of the shell?

How to list all source files (*.c, *.cpp, *.h)

Use find command but exclude files in two directories