Mongoose.js: Find user by username LIKE value

I like to to go find a user in mongoDb by looking for a user called value. The problem with:

username: 'peter'

is that i dont find it if the username is "Peter", or "PeTER".. or something like that.

So i want to do like sql

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE 'peter'

Hope you guys get what im askin for?

Short: 'field LIKE value' in mongoose.js/mongodb

Solution 1:

For those that were looking for a solution here it is:

var name = 'Peter';
model.findOne({name: new RegExp('^'+name+'$', "i")}, function(err, doc) {
  //Do your action here..

Solution 2:

I had problems with this recently, i use this code and work fine for me.

var data = 'Peter';

db.User.find({'name' : new RegExp(data, 'i')}, function(err, docs){

Use directly /Peter/i work, but i use '/'+data+'/i' and not work for me.

Solution 3:

db.users.find( { 'username' : { '$regex' : req.body.keyWord, '$options' : 'i' } } )

Solution 4:

.get(function(req, res) {

    var regex = new RegExp(, "i")
    ,   query = { description: regex };

    Product.find(query, function(err, products) {
        if (err) {



Solution 5:

    username: /peter/i
}, function (err, user) {