New posts in field-theory

Field reductions

Every ordered field has a subfield isomorphic to $\mathbb Q$?

Cyclotomic polynomials and Galois group

Every finite group is the Galois group of a field extension

$F(u) = F(u^2)$ if $u$ is algebraic of odd degree

Subfield of $\mathbb{R}$ such that $\Bbb R/K$ is finite. [duplicate]

Correct my intuition: every Galois group is $S_n$, and other obviously incorrect statements

A question regarding normal field extensions and Galois groups

Is $\sqrt{2}\in\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[8]{3})$ or not?

Showing that $R(x)$ is a proper subset of $R((x))$ if $R$ is a field

How to find the "relative" defining polynomial of an extension of number fields?

Is there a subfield $F$ of $\Bbb R$ such that there is an embedding $F(x) \hookrightarrow F$?

$[K : F]_s = [K : L]_s [L : F]_s $ and $[K : F]_i = [K : L]_i [L : F]_i $

Why is the collection of all algebraic extensions of F not a set?

Multiplicative group of an infinite field is not cyclic

The field of algebraic numbers as a recursive structure

Characteristic 3 analogue of nimbers?

Primitive element theorem w/o Galois theory (as in Lang's Algebra)

A field extension of degree 2 is a Normal Extension.

Can all polynomials of a given degree be reducible?