New posts in field-theory

Is there an explicit embedding from the various fields of p-adic numbers $\mathbb{Q}_p$ into $\mathbb{C}$?

Why should I care about fields of positive characteristic?

GCD in polynomial rings with coefficients in a field extension

Is $\sqrt[3]{2}$ contained in $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)$?

Algebraic field extensions: Why $k(\alpha)=k[\alpha]$.

Characteristic of a field is $0$ or prime [closed]

Proving $\sqrt 3$ is irrational. [duplicate]

Why does an irreducible polynomial split into irreducible factors of equal degree over a Galois extension?

How to prove that the Frobenius endomorphism is surjective?

Constructing a Galois extension field with Galois group $S_n$

Intersection of finite Galois extensions is Galois

What are the fields with 4 elements? [closed]

Show the two fields are not isomorphic

Fermat's Last Theorem and Kummer's Objection

Fundamental question about field extensions

Prove that $\sqrt[5]{5} \notin \mathbb{Q}(e^\frac{2 \pi i}{25})$

Galois Group of $(x^2-p_1)\cdots(x^2-p_n)$

Shortest irreducible polynomials over $\Bbb F_p$ of degree $n$

Do we have $[E : K]_i = [E_r : K]$ where $E_r$ is purely inseparable closure?

Why $\sqrt[3]{3}\not\in \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})$?