New posts in field-theory

Does every infinite field contain a countably infinite subfield?

Is a field determined by its family of general linear groups?

Trigonometric diophantine equation $8\sin^2\left(\frac{(k+1)\pi}{n}\right)=n\sin\left(\frac{2\pi}{n}\right)$

Quadratic extensions in characteristic $2$

Finding the minimal polynomial of $\sqrt 2 + \sqrt[3] 2$ over $\mathbb Q$.

Why is $\mathbb{Q}(t,\sqrt{t^3-t})$ not a purely transcendental extension of $\mathbb{Q}$?

Basis of primitive nth Roots in a Cyclotomic Extension?

Axiomatic characterization of the rational numbers

Generalisation of integers for infinite length?

Why isn't the inverse of the function $x\mapsto x+\sin(x)$ expressible in terms of "the functions one finds on a calculator"?

Non-principal ideal in $K[x,y]$? [duplicate]

Why $\mathbb{C}(f(t),g(t))=\mathbb{C}(t)$ implies that $\gcd(f(t)-a,g(t)-b)=t-c$, for some $a,b,c \in \mathbb{C}$?

Rigidity of the category of fields

Showing that a finite commutative ring with more than one element and no zero divisors has an identity. [duplicate]

Sum of irrational numbers, a basic algebra problem

A finite field extension that is not simple

Prove $f=x^p-a$ either irreducible or has a root. (arbitrary characteristic) (without using the field norm) [duplicate]

Is it true in an arbitrary field that $-1$ is a sum of two squares iff it is a sum of three squares?

If $A$ an integral domain contains a field $K$ and $A$ over $K$ is a finite-dimensional vector space, then $A$ is a field. [duplicate]

Proving that a polynomial is not solvable by radicals.