New posts in failover

ISC DHCP+BIND with failover and dynamic updates, can the secondary bind update DDNS?

How can I know ASAP when my PC loses Internet connectivity and I'm away from the PC [closed]

Is rsync a good candidate for failover implementation (very large dataset)?

Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V cluster without shared hardware

Websockets Server with Fault-Tolerance and Durable Message Store

AlwaysOn SQL Server 2012 - any option for true active/active?

Windows Disk Cluster for Hyper-V Failover Cluster

Best CNAME TTL strategy for fallover switching

Complete High Availability System [duplicate]

SQL Cluster on Hyper V Failover Cluster

"live" mirror of HA VM cluster?

Error getting the list of sites from the target environment: An invalid dn syntax has been specified

Pacemaker Active/Active haproxy load balancing

High Availability for SSL Web Site

DNS Failover with multiple Nginx load balancers

Two-Node Failover Cluster with internal storage

What happens if my WHS boot disk or other hardware component failes? [closed]

How long does it take to failover with oVirt/RHEV?

Hadoop disk fail, what do you do?

Multiple LDAP servers with mod_authn_alias: failover not working when the first LDAP is down?