New posts in high-availability

High availability without dropping connections

How to set up tcp check with keepalived?

Risks of Network Partitioning When a Split Brain Creates a Security Flaw

Per-packet round-robin load balancing for UDP

Cannot reach keepalived VIP from other machines in the same network

High availability for ceph storage?

keepalived multiple instances

How to change the master in a MongoDB cluster without restarting the process?

How to get DRBD to automatically start after reboot, mount volume, start service, and configure primary/secondary

Some questions about xenserver HA

Azure high availability solution with synchronization of website and SQL server data

Google network architecture

Should redundant servers have exactly the same configuration, or slightly different?

Automatically migrate an openstack instance on node failure

DNS Round Robin: Multiple Nameservers VS Multiple A Records?

Website high availability without load-balancer?

Why Failover instead of Load Balancing for HA

redundant openvpn configuration

Differences between VMware and XCP-ng hipervisor

Using LVS (Linux Virtual Server) for doing DNS HA