New posts in a-record

Sometimes ipv4 address instead of ipv6 address

CNAME versus an additional A&AAAA record

Forwarding from A Record's IP Address

Using wildcard does not resolve sub of subdomain

What has priority: nameservers or a records?

Configuring DNS for new web host while keeping old mail server

Best CNAME TTL strategy for fallover switching

Is setting an empty/blank DNS A record allowed?

Add CNAME record to DNS when A-record exists?

should Apex domains (and records) be avoided?

Is a subdomain with both A records and NS records valid?

Setting up publicly-accessible DNS name in Google Cloud DNS

Point A and MX records to different servers

Wildcard 'A' record overriding CNAME record

After creating an A DNS record for WWW is it also necessary to create a AAAA record for WWW?

Best practice for placing DNS records and subdomains

A-Record Failover?

DNS not resolving for *some* people/locations

How to redirect forward from one subdomain to another subdomain with DNS?

A record required for MX record?