New posts in factorial

Can 720! be written as the difference of two positive integer powers of 3?

Proof that the gamma function is an extension of the factorial function

Using the squeeze theorem to determine a limit $\lim_{n\to\infty} (n!)^{\frac{1}{n^2}}$

Inequality $(n!)^3<n^n(n+1/2)^{2n}$

Find all possible values of a natural number $n$ such that $a! + b! = 5^n$

Challenge: How to prove this identity between bi- and trinomial coefficients?

Factorial canceling on expansion of binomial coefficients on Concrete Mathematics

Finding $\frac{3}{1!+2!+3!}+\frac{4}{2!+3!+4!} +\frac{5}{3!+4!+5!}+\cdots+\frac{2008}{2006!+2007!+2008!}$ [duplicate]

How do I find a factorial? [closed]

Partial sums of falling factorials

A Diophantine equation involving factorial

Study the convergence of this: $\sum_n \frac{n! }{ 6\cdot7\cdots(n+5)}$ [closed]

Proof that the factorial is nonelementary

How to prove $\sum_{r=0}^{n}\left(-1\right)^r\binom{n}{r}\left(n-r\right)^n=n!$ [duplicate]

How to prove the formula for the Reciprocal Multifactorial constant?

Hint in Proving that $n^2\le n!$ [duplicate]

Closed Form for Factorial Sum

When is a binomial coefficient a factorial, i.e. when is $\binom{m}{j} = n!$ for some $n,m,j$?

What's the next base-ten non-pandigital factorial number after 41!?

What is the last non-zero digit of $(\dots((2018\underset{! \text{ occurs }1009\text{ times}}{\underbrace{!)!)!\dots)!}}$?