New posts in factorial

What does the factorial of a negative number signify?

Prove quotient of factorials is integral

Prove that $\sum_{q=0}^{d-r}\sum_{s=r+q}^{d}{{\binom {r-1+q}{r-1}}(r-1)!s}=\sum_{s=r}^{d}{\binom{s}{r}(r-1)!s}$ by sum manipulation [closed]

C#: Recursive functions with Lambdas

Equivalent of $ x(x+1)(x+2)\cdots(x+n)$?

Given $n! = c$, how to find $n$?

Primes made from alternating factorials

Computation of a limit involving factorial $\lim_{n \to \infty} \sqrt[n+1] {(n+1)!} - \sqrt[n] {(n)!} = \frac{1}{e}$

Colored Blocks Factorial

What does the !! mean in trigonometric identity?

Does it follow that $(n!)^n$ divide $(n^2)!$

What 1 number do you remove from $(1!)(2!)..(99!)(100!)$ to get a perfect sqaure

Generating function for gamma function (or factorial)

The derivative of $x!$ and its continuity

Factorial lower bound: $n! \ge {\left(\frac n2\right)}^{\frac n2}$

How to prove $n < n!$ if $n > 2$ by induction?

Cannot calculate factorials bigger than 20! ! How to do so?

Factorial Calculation for Non-Integers?

The limit of $(n!)^{1/n}/n$ as $n\to\infty$ [duplicate]

Proof that $n!\leq {(\frac{n+1}{2})}^{n}$ [duplicate]