New posts in expressions

How does one refer to people who use online handles? [duplicate]

Is "it makes following five-fold contributions" a good expression? [duplicate]

What is the origin of the phrase "pinky promise"?

"Any club cannot use . . ." vs. "No club can use . . ."

Meaning of the political phrase "he has bottom"

What is the meaning of "April smile?"

Does the phase "what's an honest man to do?" have a specific literary origin, or is it simply a common-usage rhetorical question?

Word or phrase for someone accepting a story completely & unquestioningly

Name-calling: definition and technical name

Is there a saying like "I don't believe myself"?

She turned me into a newt, but I got better [closed]

Did anyone actually use the expression "Go to Jericho!"?

What noun do we have that means 'offendableness' or 'offendability' (tendency) or that means 'offendedness' (state)?

What is the expression/slang to describe that you suddenly decided to go [travel, change environment]?

Word for redesigning historic items inspired by modern items

Does “everywhere and nowhere” mean “irrelevant”?

Is there more than a 'double' whammy?

Wordplay - "Owl" being used to say "I will"?

Is there a business phrase for whack-a-mole?

What's a modern equivalent of "fie on thee"?