New posts in expressions

Is there an expression to say someone will replace me at a meeting?

Am I the only person to use "punch up" to mean "remind someone"?

Great God in boots!

Is “dance around” a valid phrasal verb?

Appropriate way to say "see you tomorrow" when meeting online

Phrase/word for situation of too many theorists/teachers but too few skilled workers in the economy

Common antonyms to "happy ending"?

What is "taking gongs"?

Did "based off of" come from a TV show for children?

Does it sound strange to use "hands-on background"?

A blush of shame to the cheek of modesty

Is “flatter than a mashed cat” a common phrase?

What does it mean to "start from scratch"?

What does “Drop and give me twenty, America’ in ‘Paul Ryan’s song of himself’ mean?

A word/phrase to mean 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' without sounding old school/erudite/pretentious

What is the meaning of "coarse hand"?

What does "waste not, want not" mean? [closed]

What is the meaning of "the green and blue of the crops"?

What expression are these titles alluding to?

The person who marries for money usually earns every penny of it