New posts in expected-value

Show inequality using the Jensen inequality

Expected number of cuts before a stick is halved

Expected Value Explanation

A person is trapped in a room with 4 doors. What is the expected number of days

Calculating the Expectation and Variance of having pairs after selecting N people

Toss 100 fair coins and take away the tails; toss the remaining coins and take away the tails. Continue until no coins remain. [duplicate]

Expected value of dice game (with options)

Expected Value Gambling Qn

Probability with card deck flips

Generalization the time elapsed in Poisson Process

I pick a number n, if you guess it, I pay you $n. What is the fair value of the game?

Random variable does not have an expectation

How do we calculate the expected value of $Y$?

Change the random variable for calculating the expectation

Expected number of cards in original position in a shuffled deck of $52$ cards?

Intuition behind the coupon collector problem. Is there inclusion-exclusion principle in play?

Expected Value of Non-negative integer random variable: Author's proof?

Compute the expectation of X

You roll a die until you get a $5$, what is the expected value of the minimum value rolled?

How much are you willing to pay for this treasure chest game?