Show inequality using the Jensen inequality
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Deducing weak convergence of $f_n$ s.t for every $g \in L^q(\mu)$, $\lim_n \int f_n g \,d\mu$ converges
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Verification of Frenet Serret
$i^i$ having infinitely many values. Significance? History? Applications?
(Integral) Operator Norm: Find $||\phi||$ where $\phi : \mathcal{L^1(m)} \to \mathbb{R}$ is defined by $\phi(f) = \int (x - \frac{1}{2}) f(x) dm(x)$
Proof by Induction that: $n!>3^n$ for $n>6$
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How can I prove the integral exists and has an upper and lower bound for the sums for a discontinuous function?
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