New posts in etymology

Since when did the United States become known as "the States"?

Is the word priorize acceptable? [closed]

How did "bitching" get associated with talking behind people's backs or complaining?

Where does the idiom "smacks of x" come from?

Where does the word "dub" come from? (voice recording) [closed]

Why are evidence and defense spelled with "c" and "s" respectively?

Alas, my true love was "spoken for"

etymology of looksie / look-see

"Hello, welcome in" as opposed to "Welcome"

What is the origin of the word “shot” with regards to the drinking term “Give me a shot.”

How did English get related words from the same Latin root but different negative prefixes?

Why does English have the word "broomstick"?

A twist of fate

What is the "bin" in "loony bin"?

Origins of “Turnkey”

Why does the phrase "as well as" mean "in addition to"?

Where does the word "puppet" come from?

“Mining” as opposed to “minting” w.r.t. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Why does the word "shop" behave like a non-count noun in phrases like "set up shop"?

What does "Merlin's beard!" mean?