New posts in etymology

What is the origin of "nonchalance?"

Why does "free" have 2 meanings? (Gratis and Libre)

English word forms not having cognates in any other language

"Privative" meaning "a concept of absence" [closed]

What happened to the word "awesome" between 1760 and 1790? [closed]

Can we say that "he" and "she" are cognates?

Origin of the phrase ''Respect,man/bro. ''?

Does hunx have an origin?

what are the origins of hi, hey, hello?

Origin of the phrase "Don't rain on my parade"

What is the origin of the word "efforting"?

Origin of the expression "you can't make chicken salad out of chicken something else"

Why are you saying something "for" yourself when your parent asks you what you have to say for yourself?

Why Greek morphemes over Latin, or Latin over Greek? *A Call to Lexicographers*

"Jiggery-pokery" - Can Anyone Remedy this Paucity?

What is the origin of the phrase "War never changes"

The origin of the phrase "Eskimo Brothers"

Is there any connection between 'biscuit' and 'bisque'?

When and where did "idren" enter the English language? [closed]

In "pedophilia," why philos rather than eros?