New posts in distribution-theory

Dirac delta function $\delta(f(x))$ of function $f$ with a higher-order zero

Fourier transform of the distribution PV $\left( \frac{1}{x} \right)$

Iterated Limits Schizophrenia

Derivative of a Delta function

Two possible definitions of "vector-valued distribution"

Reference for "distributional derivative being zero implies being constant"

Distribution theory book

An example of distributional limit

Why does this distribution diverge as $y \to \infty$? Looks like a contradiction.

How to prove that the delta function is not actually a function

Is there a notion of a continuous basis of a Banach space?

Derivative of principal value distribution $1/x$ is equal to finite part distribution $-1/x^2$?

What is the product of a Dirac delta function with itself? [closed]

How to prove that the derivative of Heaviside's unit step function is the Dirac delta?

Laplacians and Dirac delta functions

Dirac's delta in 3 dimensions: proof of $\nabla^2(\|\boldsymbol{x}-\boldsymbol{x}_0\|^{-1})=-4\pi\delta(\boldsymbol{x}-\boldsymbol{x}_0)$

Tensor products of functions generate dense subspace?

Is the Dirac Delta "Function" really a function?

Are weak derivatives and distributional derivatives different?

Dirac delta in polar coordinates