New posts in distribution-theory

Support of a distribution, what does it mean?

Growth of Tychonov's Counterexample for Heat Equation Uniqueness

Sequential and topological duals of test function spaces

$5$ questions on the definition of the Gelfand triple

Fourier transformation of tempered distribution $p.v. \frac{1}{x}$

Products of distributions ill-defined

Origin of the name 'test functions'

Oscillatory integral giving me the willies

How to plot a generalized function?

Convolution square root of $\delta $

Schwartz kernel theorem for the N-Torus

Is $\delta$ in $L^\infty$?

Discontinuity of Dirac Delta distribution

Fourier transform of $2\pi$-periodic function

Given a Schwartz function, is it always possible to write it as a product of two Schwartz function?

Intuition behind the derivative of dirac delta function

When can one expect a classical solution of a PDE?

Function $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ which is absolutely continous but $f'\notin L^1(\mathbb{R})$

Proof of Dirac Delta's sifting property

Principal value of 1/x- equivalence of two definitions