New posts in discord

Send message and shortly delete it - How to wait for user input that can be different?

How can I edit a message on Discord into being a reply?

Discord.js 13 channel.join is not a function

Discord.js v12 code breaks when upgrading to v13

Python 3.10 won't import modules

Discord-Minecraft integration

Remove 'command not found' error

How do I get the intents to work?

Discord Channel is not being recognized when using get_channel

Bot freezing with Sympy (

How can I change the "Frequently Used" emoji in Discord?

Facing issues with a "hug command"

How can I change the "frequently used" emojis in Discord?

How do I enable email notifications from Discord?

How do @everyone and @here work? What's the difference between them?

Sending another embed after deleting embed not working

I want to write a command that outputs information about the server. I ran into the error

How can I make discord not show what game I'm playing?

What is the difference between a User and a GuildMember in discord.js?