New posts in discord, send a message to a channel I just created

Using SlashCommandAttribute not working with Discord.Net

How can I create a discord welcome message with the newer version for nodejs?

Having trouble sending a message to a channel with Discord.js [duplicate]

Prevent website from blocking bookmarklet script

How to make a command case insensitive in

How to use syntax highlighting for code Blocks for Bot in discord.js (v13)?

Check how much time has passed since event called (discord.js)

Discord.js - Cooldown for a command for each user not all users

get the name of a channel using

I have a problem with discord.js v12 when trying to run the bot

create_task = asyncio.async: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Check if message contains a link;

(discord.js) How can I make this command only work for certain roles/users?

Discord Bot won't reply

Python [Invalid syntax] with async def

How do I change default notification settings for a Discord channel?

How to get the name of a closed channel for ticket system so it can be logged?

Discordpy: Efficient Invitation Checking

In discord, can I maintain a conversation with only one player while listening to the whole group?