How can I edit a message on Discord into being a reply?

I've realised that a message that I made in a chat last week should have been a reply to another message. This now breaks the reply chain.

I've clicked on the edit button, but I see no option to change the message to being a reply.

I don't want to delete and repost the message, because it's a week old.

How can I remedy this in the desktop version of Discord?

Solution 1:

I've clicked on the edit button, but I see no option to change the message to being a reply.

It's not currently possible but it has been requested:

add reply to edit message – Discord

Be able to edit who you replied to. – Discord

Allow inline replies to be a added in when editing a message – Discord

Note that threaded discussions are a relatively recent addition to Discord:

Discord finally adds threaded messaging

Community channels can enable the feature starting today.

Where today was July 27th, 2021.

Source: Discord finally adds threaded messaging | Engadget